Running Stones - all you need to know!

What are Running Stones, where can you earn them, how are they used and how long are they valid for?

Where can you earn Running Stones ?

A Running Stone are awarded in recognition of completion of a UTMB World Series Event or a UTMB World Series Major.

UTMB World Series Events

The number of Running Stones awarded is based on the effort of the race and hence the UTMB distance category on the following scale
20K = 1 Running Stone

50K = 2 Running Stones

100K = 3 Running Stones

100M  = 4 Running Stones

UTMB World Series Majors

At UTMB World series Majors, the number of Running Stones for each race category is doubled.
20K = 2 Running Stones

50K = 4 Running Stones

100K = 6 Running Stones

100M  = 8 Running Stones

UTMB World Series Finals

There are no Running Stones awarded for completion of the UTMB, CCC or OCC at the HOKA UTMB Mont-Blanc.
The other races at the HOKA UTMB Mont-Blanc award Running Stones based on the standard race category. 

What is the purpose of Running Stones ?

Your number of Running Stones represents your number of chances in the lottery for the HOKA UTMB Mont-Blanc.
Someone with 6 Running Stones will have their name in the lottery 6 times. In short, the more Running Stones you have the more the chances of being selected.

How do I use my Running Stones ?

When you enter the lottery you are wagering all your Running Stones on your entry for that edition of the race. If you are successful in the lottery then your Running Stones have been spent and they will be deducted from your account and your balance will return to 0. 

You can only wager Running Stones earned prior to 31st of December.

If you are unsuccessful in the lottery then your Running Stones remain for yours untouched. You can then to add to them in the next year and wager for the future editions of the HOKA UTMB Mont-Blanc.

Do Running Stones have an expiry date?

Running Stones will never expire from your account. Once you have earned them, they will remain yours until you are successfully selected in the lottery.

However, after two years from the date you last earned a Running Stone, all of your Running Stones will become inactive, meaning you will no longer be able to use them in the lottery. To reactivate your Running Stones, you must earn at least one new Running Stone. Once you do, all your existing Running Stones will become active again for another two years.

What are the time lines for adding and removing Running Stones? 

Running Stones are added to you account within 1 or two days of completing your race.

I was sucessful in the lottery what happens to my Running Stones? 

For Runners that are sucessful in the lottery their Running Stones will be deducted from their account in January just after they compete their registration 
For runners that enter into the lottery, are successful but eventually are not drawn, they will lose half their wagered Running Stones.

All the Running Stones that were wagered in the lottery will be subtracted as as soon as your have completed your race registration

What happens if I cancel my Registration to the UTMB Finals?

When you are entering the UTMB Finals races, you will be given the option to take out race cancellation insurance, this covers both the registration fee and your Running Stones.
If a runner takes out the cancellation insurance and must cancel their registration prior to the event then they will have ALL their Running Stones will be refunded for use again in a future lottery.
If a runner does not take the cancellation insurance and cancels prior to the race then half of their Running Stones will be refunded.